Information about Coronavirus: LT Lawtank is maintaining normal business operations

As usual, you can always count on us for urgent translations.

Please note that we closely follow all developments related to the Coronavirus. With this respect, we have taken appropriate measures and are able to maintain our normal business operations in this particular situation.

Our employees are fully equipped for telecommuting and have secure remote access to LT Lawtank's own physical servers in the canton of Bern, so that they can work from home. This will ensure that you can contact us at regular working hours in the future.

In this manner, data protection, data security and attorney-client confidentiality are also guaranteed at all times.

Our top priority is to continue to provide you with excellent service while protecting the health and safety of our employees.

As usual, you can always count on us for urgent translations.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards from the LT Lawtank Team

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