Certified translations for Expats: What makes for a successful translation for official use?

Do you have documents that you need to have translated and submitted to an authority in Switzerland or another country?


Depending on the country, the authority and the intended use of your document, there are different formal requirements for translation and certification. We will identify and advise you on the relevant requirements and perform the necessary steps.

For more than 18 years, LT Lawtank has been successfully translating complex legal texts. Our team consists of experienced legal professionals, attorneys and legal linguists from various countries, legal systems and industries. We translate from/to over 40 languages.

We advise you with respect to the formal requirements, handle the translation, certify or obtain the necessary certifications, and provide you with the required documents, working with

  • our partner notaries public,
  • the competent state chancelleries and offices,
  • other authorities (chancelleries, consulates, embassies), and
  • our logistics partners and courier services.


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