LT-ABC: High-Quality Legal Translations

Achieve unparalleled results with mt.lawtank—our custom-built, domain-specific machine translation system.


At LT LAWTANK we integrate cutting-edge technology with human expertise to make the translation process cost-efficient while maintaining the uncompromising standards required in the legal field.

Here’s why our approach delivers best-in-class legal translations:

  • Cost & Time Savings: Machine translation technology allows us to process documents faster, while our team of legal translators ensures the final product meets your needs.
  • Legal Precision: Our team of jurilinguists, lawyers, and attorneys rigorously post-edits machine translations to meet jurisdictional and client-specific standards.
  • Custom Solutions: We tailor translations to your unique terminology, tone, and legal guidelines for a seamless fit.

By combining high-quality legal translations with our proprietary machine translation system and expert human review, we ensure confidential, precise, and cost-efficient results. This workflow blends the best of technology and legal expertise, delivering reliable legal documents that exceed expectations.

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